Cymbidium suarvissimum
Cymbidium suavissimum is not a common species and has only been found in small areas of northern Myanmar and northern Vietnam where it is found in warmish evergreen forests at about 800-1000m.
We have been in similar habitat in Laos and conditions are a little warmer than that of many of the Himalayan cymbidiums. It is also unusual in being a July/August flowering species. It’s closest cousin is Cymbidium floribundum which has similar flowers but is smaller growing with less flowers and none of the gorgeous scent (citrus and fruity) present in this species.
We have tried growing the species warm and cool and feel that the key to flowering the species well is to grow decent sized pseudobulbs with plenty of feed and water through the late summer growing season.
Despite the natural habitat being a little warmer, plants enjoy life in our Himalayan greenhouse (min 7C) as long as it is to soggy in the winter.