Maxillaria porphyrostele

Maxillaria porphyrostele is a free flowering and dramatic species native to cool mountain forest in the Mata Atlantica Brazil and we have seen similar species in the wild. They grow tight to the trunk and lower branches of trees in primary forests where the climate has a wet summer and a cooler dryer winter.

We grow the species in our Cloud Forest Greenhouse (min 12C) in pots and baskets with free draining compost but heavy watering during the summer months when in growth. The 2cm pseudobulbs mature in the autumn and flower spikes appear from the base of the newest bulbs in early spring. 

Looking closely into the flower reveals the purple column which gives the species its name (Porphyrostele = purple columned). The purple extends around the base of the lip too.

The flowers are long lasting if plants are kept dry when in flower.