Phalaenopsis schilleriana

Phalaenopsis schilleriana has exquisite delicate pink flowers and attractive mottled leaves.

Most Phalaenopsis species are found in the region of the Philippines through to Borneo and Phalaenopsis schilleriana is found on Luzon and the surrounding islands. Like most Phalaenopsis species Phalaenopsis schilleriana is restricted to hot evergreen lowland forests where it grows on the bare branches of large trees. 

In cultivation we replicate these conditions by growing our plants indoors where its minimum temperature is 17C (though plants would enjoy it a little warmer than we do). For more info on how we grow plants like this check out our culture page.

 In the wild plants have semi shade from the canopy of the host trees and we have plants on a north facing room with additional light from grow lights.

Flowers are long lasting on thin spikes that tend towards pendulous so this is an ideal plant for a high shelf.

We have two clones of this species, one with deeper pink flowers (see photos) and we have pollinated both so will have seedlings from our lab in a couple of years.