Pleurothallis sub-picta
Pleurothallis sub-picta is one of our true miniature pleurothallis species with leaves just 4cm long, and it produces intriguing relatively large flowers on relaxed spikes.
The species is native to Brazillian cloud forest around 1000m, a habitat we have explored in our two expeditions to the coastal rainforest of Rio State. The climate here is moist even in the dryer winter season and minimum temperatures are around 10-12C.
We find that Pleurothallis sub-picta is a strong growing little plant if kept damp and in some shade. The long lasting flowers have unusually long pinkish petals. Plants produce spikes over a long period. We grow this species in baskets and pots in our 'Cloud Forest Glasshouse' minimum 12C and water well all year (every day or every two days)