Cymbidium devonianum

Cymbidium devonianum is a small growing cymbidium species with lovely pendulous flower spikes unusually broad leaves. 

In Sikkim we have found this species growing in heavy shade, low in trees and usually in pockets of detritus and dead leaves that keeps the plant damp through the dry season. (photo below)

This misty forest is at an altitude of 2200m and so will experience winter temperatures down to a minimum of 7-10C and a summer maximum of arounf 25C. The tree the cymbidium is growing on is evergreen and so the plant is shaded throughout the year.

In cultivation we replicate the cool, wet shady conditions it enjoys by growing it low down in our Cloud Forest Greenhouse (min 12C). Too much light or too little water results in brown tips to the thick leaves. 

We grow plants in baskets to allow the pendulous flower spikes to emerge and not become trapped in the bottom of a pot.