Pleurothallis gracillima (Specklinia gracillima)

Specklinia gracillima is a great example of a ‘miniature’ orchid that can quickly grow into a specimen. Plants flower well as tiny plants in 3cm pots or mounted but if left for long enough form a ball that is covered in its delicate sprays of flowers. Flowers of the species have a very distinct red lip. We have grown this plant in our collection for more than 30 years and for most of that time it has been known as Pleurothallis gracillima, however molecular studies (DNA) have separated a distinct group or pluerothallis species into a new genus Specklinia. These are all lovely miniature orchids with many flowers on a stem.

This species is native to the cloud forests of Colombia and Ecuador and so we grow the species in our cloud forest greenhouse (min 12C) with lots of water especially in the summer when it is in most active growth. Plants grow well in pots, baskets or mounted and though their main flowering is during the summer, plants can flower at any time of year.