Stenoglottis woodii
Stenoglottis woodii is found has a very restricted range in South Africa and is reported to be found near the coast in a small area of southern KwaZulu-Natal and adjacent parts of Pondoland. The species grows on moist sandstone ledges where leaf mould has accumulated. This habitat is wet in the rainy season (spring and early summer) and quite dry in the dry season.
In cultivation we grow plants in course bark and replicate the natural conditions by keeping plants really wet from March until June and then much dryer.
We find that plants enjoy an open spot with good light and fresh air in our Himalayan greenhouse (min 7C).
We are finding that plants are growing much better since we moved them to Portland perhaps because they are please to be able to see the sea from their greenhouse, just like the wild ones on their sandstone ledges.
We are building up our stock and will have plants for sale next year.
I have added a culture page on repotting Stenoglottis as lots of people have asked for help.